Two surf boat crews from Wanda competed in the Biennial George Bass Marathon from December 29th to January 4th, 2025. The Marathon is a 7 day surf boat race from Batemans Bay to Eden on the New South Wales South coast. Each crew consists of 8 rowers and a sweep.
This year Wanda competed in the Men’s Open division and The Supervets division, with both crews coming a credible 4th in their respective divisions.
- Beau Dredge
- Wes Dredge
- Nick McGrath
- Anna McGlynn
- Joe Isaacs
- Andrew Lawson
- Stephen Bryen (Elouera)
- Rod Patmore (Narooma)
- Sweep: Robert “Polly” Pollock (Broulee)
- Richard Smith
- Jeff Potuaine
- Karen Ross
- Louise Southwell
- Kaylene Walker
- Virginia Carnegie
- Jason Ardler
- David McGrath
- Sweep: Les Townsend
There were many helpers including Steve Southwell, Steve Coles, Ian Ross, Brooke Dredge, who made the logistics work and our row all that much smoother, and have the eternal thanks of their crews.